© 2024 Shared Tears and Moonlit Bridge Productions. All Rights Reserved.


Sharing Stories We each have amazing stories to share. Personal experiences of triumph over tragedy, of the transformative power of grief, of hope and healing, and of the ripple effect generated by acts of kindess, generosity, support and compassion. If you would like to share a heartfelt and inspiring personal story as a guest on an upcoming episode of Shared Tears Podcast - Ripple Effect, please contact us for more information.
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Lifted Voices Just as the experience of grief is unique to the individual, so is each personal story of tragedy and loss. In an effort to raise public awarenness, some feel compelled to speak out, in spite of or fueled by their grief and personal story, to become important voices for change and reform. We welcome open and frank discussions about the difficult but important topics and collective challenges of our time. Let’s not become complacent or stand silent, but instead lift our voices and share our stories as a force for good. If you would like to share your personal story or expertise, as a guest on Shared Tears Podcast - Ripple Effect, please contact us for more information.
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COMING SOON! SHARED TEARS Podcast - Ripple Effect 01/25/2025
My name is Sandi Hammond, host and creator of the upcoming weekly Shared Tears Podcast - Ripple Effect and of this web space, each inspired by the sudden passing of my son Ryan on September 4, 2021. Losing Ryan broke me wide open, and in one life-shatteriing moment, my journey through grief began. Since that tragic day, my daughter Brittany, son Alex and I have shared many tears, as has every person who loved Ryan and miss him beyond measure. Shared tears have been, and continue to be, those deeply felt moments of mutual understanding and exchange when words fail our heartfelt truths. Whether during moments of great joy or devastating loss, shared tears have the power to remind us of our humanity and the importance of connection while we navigate life’s twists and turns, highs, and lows. Reshaped by the transformative power of grief, the person I was before my son’s passing three years ago no longer exists. Emerging from a dark and pain-filled space, this current version of myself - a work-in- progress to be sure - feels much more self-aware and less resistant to the act of surrender. I have come to know grief, as a powerful and transformative energy to be channeled - for good or for ill. And understand more acutely than ever, that my actions and reactions, along with the ensuing ripple effect, are choices to be made, and should not be taken lightly. The creation of Shared began as an act of love - A project to pour our heavy hearts into. A gift wrapped in the pain of our loss, that has become a source of connection, hope and healing, and has expanded to include the upcoming Shared Tears Podcast- Ripple Effect, which is launching on 01/25/2025. Here at we’re building a heart-centered community that supports, inspires, and demonstrates the gift of connection, in good times and bad. A space where courage, the expansive nature of the human heart, and Love’s power to heal and transform are revealed. Because even when life’s events distract us, or the pain of grief forgets these truths, the heart remembers through Shared Tears. We’re in this together. You’re not alone. Love & Blessings, Sandi
Meet the Team of Shared Tears Podcast and Moonlit Bridge Productions
Ryan Hammond Forever in Our Hearts
Sandi Hammond Host - Producer Content Creator
Brittany Fitch Co-Host - Editor Content Contributor
Alex Fitch Co-Host - Prodution Mgr Content Contributor
Allison Byrd Communications Mgr. Production Assistant
Kristin Bruce Content Contributor
Jane Ferdinad Self-Care Content Contributor
Nadima Jones Content Contributor
Kim Proust Accounting
© 2024 Shared Tears and Moonlit Bridge Productions. All Rights Reserved.


Sharing Stories We each have amazing stories to share. Personal experiences of triumph over tragedy, of the transformative power of grief, of hope and healing, and of the ripple effect generated by acts of kindess, generosity, support and compassion. If you would like to share a heartfelt and inspiring personal story as a guest on an upcoming episode of Shared Tears Podcast - Ripple Effect, please contact us for more information.
Lifted Voices In an effort to raise public awarenness, some feel compelled to speak out, in spite of or fueled by theirpersonal story, to become important voices for change and reform. We welcome open and frank discussions about the difficult but important topics and collective challenges of our time. Let’s not become complacent or stand silent, but instead lift our voices and share our stories as a force for good. If you would like to share your personal story or expertise, as a guest on Shared Tears Podcast - Ripple Effect, please contact us for more information.
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My name is Sandi Hammond, host and creator of the upcoming weekly Shared Tears Podcast - Ripple Effect and of this web space, each inspired by the sudden passing of my son Ryan on September 4, 2021. Losing Ryan broke me wide open, and in one life-shatteriing moment, my journey through grief began. Since that tragic day, my daughter Brittany, son Alex and I have shared many tears, as has every person who loved Ryan and miss him beyond measure. Shared tears have been, and continue to be, those deeply felt moments of mutual understanding and exchange when words fail our heartfelt truths. Whether during moments of great joy or devastating loss, shared tears have the power to remind us of our humanity and the importance of connection while we navigate life’s twists and turns, highs, and lows. Reshaped by the transformative power of grief, the person I was before my son’s passing three years ago no longer exists. Emerging from a dark and pain-filled space, this current version of myself - a work-in- progress to be sure - feels much more self-aware and less resistant to the act of surrender. I have come to know grief, as a powerful and transformative energy to be channeled - for good or for ill. And understand more acutely than ever, that my actions and reactions, along with the ensuing ripple effect, are choices to be made, and should not be taken lightly. The creation of began as an act of love - A project to pour our heavy hearts into. A gift wrapped in the pain of our loss, that has become a source of connection, hope and healing, and has expanded to include the upcoming Shared Tears Podcast- Ripple Effect, which is launching on 01/25/2025. Here at we’re building a heart-centered community that supports, inspires, and demonstrates the gift of connection, in good times and bad. A space where courage, the expansive nature of the human heart, and Love’s power to heal and transform are revealed. Because, even when life’s events distract us, or the pain of grief forgets these truths, the heart remembers through Shared Tears. We’re in this together. You’re not alone. Love & Blessings, Sandi
COMING SOON! SHARED TEARS Podcast - Ripple Effect 01/25/2025
Meet the Team of Shared Tears Podcast & Moonlit Bridge Productions
Ryan Hammond Forever In Our Hearts
Sandi Hammond Host - Producer Content Contributor
Brittany Fitch Co- Host - Editor Content Contributor
Alex Fitch Co Host - Production Mgr. Content Contributor
Allison Byrd Communications Mgr. Production Assistant
Jane Ferdinand Content Contributor Self-Care
Kristin Bruce Content Contributor
Nadima Jones Content Contributor
Kim Proust Accounting